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How Social Media Can Help Law Firms

How Social Media Can Help Law Firms?

How Social Media Can Help Law Firms

Today, social media is one of the most popular online activities. According to Statista, it is estimated that in 2025, 4.41 billion people worldwide will be using social media. When used strategically over time, social media can be a powerful form of marketing and can provide valuable market research for your law firm. But you … Read more

The Power of Texting for Personal Injury Law Firms

The Power of Texting for Personal Injury Law Firms

Every attorney knows the importance of keeping accurate, well-organized records for every case they take (and even the cases they turn down). This is true whether it relates to clients’ confidential information, legal pleadings, or communications with your clients. Unfortunately, communicating with your clients can be one of the most challenging aspects of firm operations. … Read more

How Can a Law Firm Train Staff Remotely?

How Can a Law Firm Train Staff Remotely?

As with all forms of learning, there’s always a balance between fundamental learning and engaging experience. Here are some tips to make the training something that your employees will look forward to and retain for the future. Set clear goals for training prog. Conduct remote training live Make subject matter experts available Training resources Incentivize … Read more

Preventing a Ransomware Attack on Your Law Firm

Preventing a Ransomware Attack on Your Law Firm

Before you can prevent a law firm ransomware attack, you need to know what ransomware is. Ransomware is a type of malware/cryptovirus, like an encryption Trojan, that encrypts your data or locks your operating system. As soon as ransomware gets hold of a “digital hostage”, such as a file, it demands a ransom for its … Read more

3 Myths of Using Artificial Intelligence in Small Businesses

3 Myths of Using Artificial Intelligence in Small Businesses

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to grow to a $119 billion industry by 2025. It’s at the forefront of modern technology and is becoming more and more prevalent as it shapes the future of humanity across nearly every industry. To simplify a very complex concept, AI refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence … Read more

How Much Does Legal Files Software Cost?

How Much Does Legal Files Software Cost?

The legal industry is a document-heavy industry; even simple personal injury cases can generate thousands of documents. Also, document management for law firms doesn’t end when a case is settled. Therefore law firms end up managing documents and other records for all cases for many years. Digital files require a digital archive system that provides … Read more

Boost Law Firm Profits: Measure Success with Top 5 KPIs

How to Measure Law Firm Performance?

A law firm is a business, and behind every successful business is a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are identified, measured, benchmarked, and acted upon. What are KPIs and why should you care? KPIs are business metrics that evaluate an organization’s performance and success. These key metrics measure a firm’s success versus a … Read more

How To Manage Law Firm Reviews?

How To Manage Law Firm Reviews

As a law firm, receiving reviews from clients is a regular occurrence. Though getting reviews can greatly benefit your practice, managing them can be a burden, especially for smaller firms with limited resources. These are six best practices for managing your firm’s reviews, from monitoring to responding to customer reviews.

What Is Legal Practice Management Software?

What Is Legal Practice Management Software?

Legal practice management software is a holistic system that helps lawyers manage daily operations and business processes within their practice. It centralizes every aspect of casework, including intakes, events, expenses, documents, files, notes, calendar, billing, etc., in order to improve work efficiency by helping you stayed organized. The added productivity of using legal practice management … Read more