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Spreadsheets as a Case Management Solution

Ditch Spreadsheets! Conquer Cases with Modern Legal Software

Spreadsheets as a Case Management Solution

The first step towards better case management for your personal injury attorneys is admitting you have a spreadsheet problem. Using spreadsheets (e.g., Excel templates) to manage your PI cases is like using a VCR to record your favorite shows—it works just fine if you only have one show to record, but good luck with anything more … Read more

Keep Your Cash by Investing in the Legal Cloud®️

Keep Your Cash by Investing in the Legal Cloud

Upgrading to the newest technology—whether in business or at home—is often thought of as a formidable task requiring significant investments of time, learning, and—most daunting—cash; but that opinion is rich in misinformation and definitely not “on the money.” The reality is that a lot of modern cloud technology is heavy on convenience and light on … Read more

How to Seamlessly Migrate Your PI Practice To Cloud-based Legal Software

Migrate Your Pi Practice To Cloud-based Legal Software

Congrats on your personal injury firm’s decision to make your home in the cloud! Migrating to cloud-based legal software is like moving from an outdated and cramped studio apartment to a spacious mansion with all the modern amenities—a big-time upgrade. While migrating to the Legal Cloud® is normally a painless process, any type of move … Read more

Why Personal Injury Law Firms Need To Modernize Now

Personal Injury Law Firms Need To Modernize Now

Personal injury law has been around since the first time a cavewoman wanted damages for tripping over her neighbor’s woolly mammoth…well, probably—the point is the practice of law has been around for a very long time. And, in that time, it has changed dramatically—especially in the last 20 years where legal technology has evolved exponentially—tech … Read more

Streamlining Repetitive Tasks Using Legal Workflow Automation Tools

Streamlining Repetitive Tasks

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, then assigning routine tasks one by one each time you take on a new PI case should drive you crazy—because the results are the same: disorganization, wasted time, frantic scrambling, overlooked assignments, late projects, missed deadlines, constant emails, … Read more

Seize Your Day With Our Case Management Dashboards

Case Management Dashboards

We’ll keep this short because we know you’re busy: it’s hard enough to figure out what’s going on in your day, let alone maintain a birds-eye view of what’s going on in your personal injury law firm on a minute-by-minute basis. Sure an assistant might help, but hiring an assistant for every attorney requires a … Read more

Be Alarmed: Avoid Missed Deadlines With a Proper Legal Calendaring System

Legal Calendaring System

The life of a personal injury attorney is hectic—you barely have time to schedule lunch—so we get it if you haven’t devoted much thought to the best ways to improve your calendaring.  After all, it’s a secondary concern, an administrative task, something someone else should handle…that is until you’ve missed a deadline—that’s when you learn … Read more

What Clients Want and How Your Case Management System Can Help Serve Them

How Your Case Management System Can Help Serve

The most important presentations you have as a personal injury attorney aren’t in front of a judge—they’re in front of prospective plaintiffs. After all, if you don’t secure clients, there won’t be any courtroom action in the first place (…and the only complaint you’ll be writing is about your lack of revenue). Clients are the … Read more