The main goal of any law firm is to be successful advocates for its clients, but you can’t do that if you’re out of business. That’s why a very important secondary goal is to make a profit.
Everyone knows: Profits = Revenue – Costs. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist (heck, it doesn’t even take a first-year associate) to understand that, in order to make a profit, you either have to lower costs or raise revenues.
The Legal Cloud® can help you do both.
It’s like a plastic surgeon for your firm, cutting out the unwanted fat disguised as overhead costs and leaving you with a leaner, more efficient frame for increasing revenues.
The Legal Cloud® greatly reduces your case management expenses
You wouldn’t buy a flip phone for an exponentially higher price than a smartphone, so why would you invest thousands of dollars in outdated technology to manage your firm’s cases?
Not only are old-school case management systems technologically challenged compared to the Legal Cloud®, they also cost more…requiring significant investments in both equipment and manpower.
On the contrary, cloud-based technologies have a direct impact on your cost in a positive way.
They make them go down…drastically.
With the Legal Cloud®, set-up costs are minimal: there are no large outlays on imposing data servers or increased IT staff (…let us deal with that); while routine costs, like equipment maintenance, IT infrastructure, and electricity, practically disappear as well.

CloudLex® v. Self-Hosted system – for a three-user (Self-starter) Firm
You may have heard of the butterfly effect: where small changes can have big, unintended effects.
Well, for your firm, a seemingly innocuous decision to flap your wings over to the cloud could have large ramifications for your bottom line.
With the cloud, you no longer have to house large servers…which means you require less IT staff, less office space, fewer utilities, less paper, fewer banker boxes, fewer vegan lunch options…and, most importantly, less money out of your pockets.
With CloudLex’s archival application alone, firms can save as much as 75% in storage costs…and that doesn’t even include the time saved by not having to alphabetize your filing cabinets.
Increased efficiency leads to increased revenues
CloudLex® does what scientists have been trying to accomplish for centuries: open up time and space, but you don’t have to be Steven Hawking to switch to the cloud.
As noted above, the Legal Cloud® requires less staff and less equipment, which means you can use that savings to hire more support or take on more cases.
There are also time savings. A switch to the Legal Cloud® means lawyers waste less time doing routine tasks or relying on their support staff.
This increased efficiency gives attorneys the flexibility to take on more clients. It also allows them to be more prepared for their existing clients, leading to larger settlements and verdicts.
The Legal Cloud® cuts costs for law firms of all sizes
In recent years, the veil of mystery surrounding the cloud has been lifted.
For most, the concept of the cloud is very straightforward: it’s not only the safest and most efficient way to manage your cases, but it’s also the most budget-conscious…it makes no difference if you’re a single attorney shop or a global conglomerate.
That’s because new pricing models, like tiered pricing and boutique offerings, level the playing field. With tiered pricing, everyone gets the same suite of features, no matter the package; Legal Cloud® system pricing is based on your firm’s size, not the number of services you receive.
Basically, it’s like going to the buffet…everyone has to pay to get in, but once you’re in, all the food is up for grabs. Whereas boutique offerings allow you to add some extras that meet your firm’s specific needs without having to go up a level….in the buffet analogy, it’s like paying a few extra bucks to take home a pint of ice cream.
These two models work in tandem for you. Starting a new law firm is expensive; with these pricing structures, you can scale up or down based on your firm’s needs and capabilities without sacrificing anything in terms of quality or security.
And for those more established firms, the plaintiff litigation management software gives you the flexibility to handle both unexpected storms and fortuitous booms in business with ease.
But Don’t take our word for it…
Despite its dreamy name, many personal injury firms are already woke to the Legal Cloud’s cost-cutting prowess.
This includes the prestigious NY firm Elefterakis, Elefterakis & Panek (EE&P), which credits the Legal Cloud® with playing an instrumental part in establishing the firm’s efficiency and case management infrastructure.
Prior to going with CloudLex®, EE&P had invested tens of thousands of dollars in an outdated legacy-based system; however, since switching to CloudLex®, managing partner Nick Elefterakis boasts, “CloudLex has saved my firm untold headaches and thousands of dollars.”
If you want to experience for yourself why CloudLex® is considered the Excedrin of the legal world (and save some serious moola in the process), we encourage you to schedule a demo now. Then, come back and demo it again once you switch…after all, you’ll have so much free time and money on your hands, that you won’t know what to do with it.