You can streamline your intake process with client intake software and attract and keep quality leads with the following practice management system features.
Intelligent client Intake: Gather all the information you need from the jump: plaintiff data, incident information, relevant documents, contact info, and more with our intelligent intake forms that are tailored to personal injury attorneys.
Paperless Forms: Make things easier for your potential leads with online intake forms that they can fill out anywhere, at any time, and at their convenience.
Timely Follow-Ups: Delegate intake tasks to your team and schedule future communications right from a prospect’s profile. We’ll even nudge you with automatic alerts prompting you to follow up with leads on specified days.
Real-Time Updates: Enter prospect info and it will automatically populate in all the right places–eliminating duplicative work for your team and leading to more informed follow-ups with your leads.
Seamless Lead-to-Client Transitions: Convert potential leads to clients and transfer all their intake info to Matter Manager, our revolutionary case management software, with just one click, thus eliminating hours of manual repetitive work, unnecessary follow-ups, and increasing team’s efficiency.
Powerful law firm data Analytics: Discover which of your marketing campaigns and channels are bringing in the most leads, conversions, ROI, and more with our detailed reports that track your key performance indicators–so you can operate intelligently and boost your profits.