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Matter Management Software

Matter Manager

The nerve centre of all your personal injury cases

Best legal matter management software designed to efficiently guide your personal injury matters from client intake through closure and beyond.

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Matter Management Software

Legal Matter Management System

PI-specific matter management

Matter Manager

Why attorneys choose CloudLex


Create, manage and store your case files in one place

Legal Matter management software helps you effortlessly manage, store and categorize documents, images and media files. Tag files for faster search, version control and information management for enhanced productivity and organization in personal injury cases.

Collaborate on documents

Integration with apps you love


Organize matter details to manage cases effortlessly

Organize and track all matter-specific information in one place. Track unique data of your personal injury cases, including medical information, liens, bills and expenses.

Create and link notes to contacts

Track insurance and medical treatments

Link to specific contacts


Accelerate case velocity and never miss a deadline

Consolidate all matters and attorney calendars into a single master calendar, ensuring comprehensive visibility of firm-wide events and deadlines. Stay organized and never miss a crucial date again.

Seamless integration with popular calendars

Color-coded by user

Real-time notification center


Stay on top of your firm’s matter progress

Manage tasks and track progress with our dashboard tools. Create and assign matter-specific tasks, monitor key performance indicators and stay on top of firm efficiency.

Automate redundant tasks with law firm workflow software

Intuitive task reports and dashboards

Evaluate law firms’ productivity


Foster matter-specific communication

Say goodbye to email clutter and stay organized with Sidebar. This discussion board-style internal law firm communication management feature ensures efficient and organized firm-wide communication.

Tag matters in internal communication

Eliminate email clutter

Improve productivity


Control and dominate settlements

Settlement calculator allows you to monitor demands and offers for your cases and plaintiffs while also tallying client recovery and your firm’s fees.

Automate settlement calculations

Track demand and offers for each client

Generate settlement reports in seconds

See what your peers are saying about CloudLex!

What your peers are saying about CloudLex.

CloudLex is easy to navigate and allows you to track the progress of your client’s case

Personal Injury case management made easy! I would recommend it to any personal injury firm!

CloudLex allows everyone in the firm to be on the same page regarding the status of a client matter. It is tailored for personal injury law firms and seamlessly backs up to the cloud

Hector Sandoval

Sandoval Law Firm, PLLC | Managing Shareholder

Frequently asked questions

Does CloudLex provide mobile apps for personal injury law firms?


Yes, CloudLex has iOS and Android apps for its customers, available to download from the Apple store and Google Play store respectively.

It contains a range of features for our clients so that they can access matters, intake, and client communication right from their mobile devices.

Can case management software be integrated with other software?


Yes, you can integrate your legal case management software with the majority of the most popular legal software, so that you’re always in sync with your cases.

You can integrate your case management software with storage software like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and more. You can still upload a document on your favorite apps. They’ll show up in your case management software (and vice versa)—giving you more access to your docs and no need to upload documents in two different places.

You can integrate your legal case management software with best calendar apps for lawyers like Google calendar, Outlook calendar, etc.

You need only create or edit an event in one system, and it will magically appear in the other.


A case management software essentially provides a central place where law firms can host case information and client’s data, track case progress, and share this information among the team. It allows law firms to build their practice, manage relationships with customers, and grow their law firms.

With a case management system in place every case, intake, deadline, appointment, case-related document, task, court date, and more, are instantly available. This means that every bit of progress you or your team make, along with every new interaction with clients, will always be up-to-date.

When it comes to legal case tracking, you track every task due, the status of the tasks, emails sent, meetings held with clients, the stages of every case, etc., case management software can also be used to add notes, schedule follow-ups of your intakes or leads, organize next steps that need to be taken, and help in resource optimization because you will know the real-time workload of each member of your team/firm. This ensures that you won’t miss any leads and can close legal cases quickly and effectively.

How to manage plaintiff medical records in Matter Manager?


Once attorneys complete the intake process, it can then be converted into a matter, transferring all the intake information, including incident details, with just a click of a button.

CloudLex’s Matter Manager will have all medical information from personal injury intake software ready for you to process the case further.

You can then capture, manage, and track all the information collected during the investigation. Additionally, you can link document files you requested from service providers to each plaintiff’s medical record under the medical information details of a particular matter.

A medical file includes medical bills, liens, tests, treatment, and physician orders. Collectively, all these medical files and documents of the treatments will give a comprehensive view of medical history, and when organized, it supports your litigation process. Therefore, it is essential to organize them effectively.

CloudLex makes it easier for the attorney to analyze and quickly find information in the record relevant to the personal injury claims, which ultimately helps law firms to more rapidly prepare and present the case.

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Capture accurate information, track source and convert more leads

Streamline your client
intake process with Cloudlex