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Why Legal Tech Makes You a Better Attorney

4 Reasons Why Legal Tech Makes You a Better Attorney

Why Legal Tech Makes You a Better Attorney

Technology offers more opportunities than ever to live on the go. Our devices allow us to keep in touch with family and friends, but we can also stay in touch with colleagues and clients. While your office might be the hub of your business, you aren’t limited to that space. Take your business anywhere with … Read more

The Best Cloud Storage for Law Firms

Best Cloud Storage for Law Firms

Physical files and closed file storage have always placed a major burden on law firms of all types. However, this is especially true for personal injury firms, which can receive thousands of pages of records for a single, average case. This is exacerbated by the need to maintain files for many years after the case … Read more

Is Your Personal Injury Practice up to Date?

Is Your Personal Injury Practice up to Date?

Do you use old technology in your personal life? For example, is your cell phone or computer more than five years old or even more than 3 years old? The answer is almost certainly “no. Why? Because the technology that old is obsolete. Unfortunately, despite keeping up with technology on the personal side, many personal … Read more

Workers Comp Vs. Personal Injury – All You Need to Know

Workers Comp Vs. Personal Injury

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 2,654,700 total non-fatal injury or illness cases in the workplace in 2020. Out of those cases, there were 211,640 involving slips, falls, or trips. There were also 4,764 fatalities that occurred on the job. Individuals injured in or at a place of work often wonder … Read more

Top 10 Biggest Medicaid & Personal Injury Settlements

Top 10 Biggest Medicaid & Personal Injury Settlements

It’s no secret that personal injuries are incredibly common in the United States. The most common types of personal injuries lawyers see are automobile accident personal injury claims. Since Medicare and Medicaid are popular federal health insurance programs, it’s not unusual for these programs to pay medical bills associated with an accident. A Medicare set … Read more

Boost Client Wins & Revenue with Personal Injury Litigation Funding

Personal Injury Litigation Funding

Thousands of people are injured in the United States each day due to the reckless actions of others, including auto accidents, medical malpractice, premises liability, faulty products, etc. When the injured are unable to work, medical bills and monthly expenses pile up. Filing a lawsuit against the individual or company and obtaining compensation for injuries … Read more

What Percentage of Personal Injury Cases Go to Trial?

What Percentage of Personal Injury Cases Go to Trial?

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, about 3 to 4 percent of personal injury cases go to trial. In the United States, a large proportion of civil litigation consists of personal injury lawsuits. These cases are covered under tort claims acts, which vary from state to state. The tort claims acts provide a legal … Read more

Different Stages of a Mass Tort Case

different stages of a mass tort case

Mass tort cases commonly stem from things that affect numerous people or a group of people, such as a defective drug or poorly designed product that causes harm. The defendants in mass tort cases are often big corporations, such as pharmaceutical companies. At times, these cases receive widespread publicity and make news headlines. Since these types … Read more

How to Work With Remote Paralegals and Paralegal Outsourcing Services

outsource remote paralegal

Personal injury attorneys could always use a few extra hours in the day. While lawyers can’t slow the Earth’s spin for a longer day, personal injury lawyers can improve their firm’s productivity by embracing the rise of paralegal outsourcing services, including virtual paralegals.  Many of tasks like answering phone or creating summaries of client interviews … Read more

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