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Text Communication With Their Personal Injury Lawyer

5 Reasons Plaintiffs Prefer Text Communication With Their Personal Injury Lawyer

Text Communication With Their Personal Injury Lawyer

According to The Local Project, in America alone, over 6 billion text messages are sent daily. With 81% of Americans texting regularly, and 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes or receiving it.  These statistics represent the ever-growing demand for an easy and immediate form of communication, with more and more law firms … Read more

3 Ways To Build Your Referral Strategy for Your Personal Injury Firm

Referral Strategy for Your Personal Injury Firm

Marketing is challenging. Social media advertising costs are constantly increasing, and focusing on law firm SEO marketing for your personal injury law firm takes time that could be spent expediting a car accident or insurance company case instead. But amongst all your marketing efforts should be a focus on personal injury referrals from other firms. … Read more

5 Steps To Creating a Law Firm Podcast Strategy – Part 1

Promote Your Law Firm’s Podcast

Digital content marketing has become an increasingly popular strategy for businesses looking to connect with the modern audience, especially for personal injury law firms. One channel that has become a very promising medium for content marketing that many law firms are utilizing is PODCASTING. And there is a good chance that you might have already … Read more

What Key Performance Indicators Lawyers to Track to Hack Growth?

Key Performance Indicators Lawyers to Track to Hack Growth

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are measurable/quantifying values of the most important objectives of your business which will let you know the real/actual status of your business. Without these, you will be in complete darkness and won’t know whether your efforts are in the right direction and what needs to be changed. Managing and tracking your … Read more

Which Are the Best Cloud Storage Software for Law Firms?

Legal Cloud Storage

Due in large part to the COVID pandemic, cloud storage for lawyers is becoming the rule rather than the exception. According to the 2021 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, approximately 60% of attorneys use cloud file storage, with the sharing platform Dropbox the most popular service. The benefits of cloud storage for lawyers are evident/apparent/immense. … Read more

Why Old School Legal Storage Tools Are a Recipe for Failure

legal storage management

Personal injury practice is not an easy job. It takes a special personality to juggle dozens of matters, manage countless meetings, and respond to dozens of follow-up emails and tasks every day. You’d be hard-pressed to find a professional with more on his plate than a Lawyer. With so many appointments and responsibilities to handle, … Read more

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