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Legal Case Management Software

What Is Legal Case Management Software?

Legal Case Management Software

Understanding the intricate world of legal operations requires a deep comprehension of case management. Today, we aim to shed light on the distinction between practice-specific and generic legal case management software, focusing specifically on how these impact personal injury attorneys. But, let’s lay the groundwork by answering the critical question: what is legal case management … Read more

What Does Legal Case Management Software Do?

Legal Case Management Software

A case management software essentially provides a central place where law firms can host case information and client’s data, track case progress, and share this information among the team. It allows law firms to build their practice, manage relationships with customers, and grow their law firms. With a case management system in place every case, … Read more

What Is Legal Task Management Software?

How Task Management Is Important for Personal Injury Law Firms

Legal task management software is an application that helps law firms break down cases into actionable tasks. With a legal task app, lawyers can create, assign, and track tasks through various phases of the case. It makes case management more predictable, repeatable, and efficient.

Can Case Management Software Be Integrated With Other Software?

Case Management Software Integration

Yes, you can integrate your case management software for lawyers with the majority of the most popular legal software, so that you’re always in sync with your cases. You can integrate your case management software with storage software like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and more. You can still upload a document on your favorite apps. … Read more

What Is Legal Cloud®?

Legal Cloud Systems

CloudLex® is the innovator of the Legal Cloud®, it is a revolutionary cloud-based legal platform designed exclusively for plaintiff personal injury law firms. It enables attorneys to build, manage, and grow their legal practice through its comprehensive suite of visionary applications. Legal Cloud includes following Applications The Legal Cloud is infrastructure light and has a … Read more

Is Using Cloud Ethical?

Cloud Ethical

The short answer is, yes — lawyers can use the cloud. To date, every state Ethics Committee to take up the issue of cloud computing has concluded that the use of cloud systems is permitted by their version of Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.6, which addresses Confidentiality. Model Rule 1.6 states (in part), “A … Read more

What Are Cloud-based Systems?

Legal Cloud Systems

IBM defines cloud computing, often referred to as simply to as the cloud as the delivery of on-demand computing resources – everything from applications to data centers – over the internet on a pay-for-use basis. Cloud systems are extremely elastic, they can scale up or down as your organization requires to meet your unique demands, … Read more

What Are the Costs Associated With Self-hosted Systems?

Self-hosted Systems

To some degree, this will depend on the size of your firm. Larger firms require more computers, servers with more capacity and power, and more user licenses. Not to mention the ongoing support necessary to maintain and secure these systems. The costs for implementing and maintaining an on-premises system are not necessarily cyclical – sometimes … Read more

What Are Self-hosted Systems?

Self-hosted Systems

Simply put, self-hosted systems are those systems that you have on your premises. They are the servers powering up your firm that sit right in your office space (usually a closet) and the PCs to which they are connected. With a self-hosted system, everything is within sight and under your immediate control. Smaller firms might … Read more

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