The way most personal injury law firms think about task management procedures is how many teenagers regard their parents—they don’t realize their importance until they mess up. The difference is, for law firms the consequences are way more damaging—for teens, forgetting to get gas may cause them to be late to a party; but if your team members forget a deadline, you could lose a case, a client, and, even worse, your reputation. That’s why it’s so important to have a proper personal injury law firm’s task management plan in place—not only to avoid the consequences, but also to reap the benefits.
Digital Marketing Series: Social Media for Personal Injury Law Firms
Over the last few years, digital marketing has become an integral part of running a successful personal injury law firm. What is digital marketing, you ask? Google it…just kidding. Digital marketing is basically any marketing you do over the internet (including mobile devices and apps), e.g., this blog post is digital marketing…how meta! See? It’s … Read more